How @Kingtutat doubled his Instagram following in under six months

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clock icon26 September 2022

For Jung Sung-Gab (@kingtutat), a dancer based in Korea, six months made a big impact on his journey and career as a content creator. To help increase his reach and engagement, he doubled down on consistently posting Instagram content across multiple formats such as feed posts, stories and reels in October 2021. The result? 59% follower growth over that time period – over double his original audience. His global community is now over 142K people strong1. On top of that, since uploading his first-ever reel, he's reached over 5 million views2. His A+ choreography has been seen all over the world.

Sung-Gab credits other artists and creators with inspiring his content. "I collaborate with various dancer friends and plan to continue doing so", says Gab. To give credit where credit is due, he drops their handles to help amplify their Instagram presence. Instagram recently launched the Collabs feature – which allows you to invite another account to appear as a collaborator on a feed post or reel – so co-authored content can be posted across two different accounts. That means that collaborators share the views, likes and comments from followers of both accounts, making creating together even easier.

That being said, Sung-Gab also made a deliberate decision to carve out his own niche in the industry. "I use my own dance style to create content that is different from others", he says. Below, Gab shares more best practices for creators looking to find success on Instagram.

Be yourself. While there may be other tutting dancers on the platform, some of whom Sung-Gab looks to for inspiration, he believes that his own unique style is what attracts followers to him. "Find your own colour", he says. "Keep sharing your own story". His identifiable style is woven into every reel, from tutorials to Remix, which helps him stand out.

Hop on trending beats. As a dancer, Sung-Gab knows how important music is for his reels. He found that hopping on trending tracks helps increase his chances of being discovered by folks who don't yet follow him, thus potentially extending his reach. He spends time watching other creator's reels and when he finds a song that he likes, he'll save the audio to use later. This helped one of his reels reach 5 million views, plus an additional 1 million views – well beyond his original follower base.

Plan ahead and rest. While hopping on trends is advisable, Sung-Gab has found that shooting multiple videos at once and uploading them throughout the week gives him the break that he needs to maintain his well-being. "I create three to five reels at a time", he says, "and upload two to three times a week". Remaining consistent, but not pushing himself too hard has proven to be the sweet spot.

Drop your viewers into the action. "I don't do an intro, I just start the dance immediately", says Sung-Gab. Reels can be up to 90 seconds long – just enough time to grab attention and keep viewers watching until the end.

Talk to your audience. Sung-Gab responds to comments and replies to DMs to strengthen the bond with his followers and has plans to implement more Instagram Lives to engage with his growing community even more.

Whether you're a dancer, a chef, a gamer, a designer – whatever niche you gravitate towards – Sung-Gab's tips can help you think about how to shape your journey as a creator on your own terms. Have fun creating content your way and see where that takes you.